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Electrolysis for hair removal:

Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs from the face or body. Today's medical electrolysis devices destroy the growth center of the hair with chemical or heat energy. After a very fine probe is inserted into the hair follical, the hair is removed with tweezers.


Most areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis, including the eyebrows, face, abdomen, thighs, breasts and legs. There are generally no permanent side effects, but sometimes a temporary reddening of the skin may occur. This usually goes away within an hour after treatment.


What causes unwanted hair growth?

Hair growth is the result of heredity and hormone levels. Also, some drugs, temporary methods of hair removal and illnesses can stimulate hair growth. Electrolysis may be an option when hair growth is in an area of the body where it may not be desired such as on a woman's upper lip, chin, neck or bikini line.


How many electrolysis treatments will I need?

Many factors influence hair growth, so you will need to return for several electrolysis visits. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person. Most clients return once a week or every other week as needed. Electrolysis is a process and the exact number of treatments will vary. If a person is dealing with hormonal issues, until those issues are dealt with and brought back into balance, Electrology can keep hair growth under control.



* 15 minutes - $25.00

* 30 minutes - $40.00

* 45 minutes - $50.00

* 60 minutes - $60.00

10% discount for Seniors & Students

Bio-Electric Rejuvenation Service (aka) Bio-Electric Face Lift:


The Bio-Electric Face Lift is a series of treatments that lift and strengthen facial muscles and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Using mild electrical stimulation, facial muscles feel firmer, wrinkles being to soften and excess fluid is eliminated. This process helps to keep your eyes wide, your cheeks up high and the corners of your mouth from turning down. If you want to prevent aging, keep your muscles and skin firm and healthy.


This treatment is a non-invasive procedure and is very gentle and relaxing. This series requires at least 2 treatments per week with a day off in-between each treatment. To keep muscles strong and lifted, a monthly maintenance treatment is recommended.


What it is:

* A comprehensive program of techniques developed by medical science used in advanced physio-therapeutics and adapted for esthetics.

* A system of interrelated therapies whereby the muscles and connective tissue of the face, chin and neck are strengthened and tightened.

* Stimulation of skin tissues to dramatically improve elasticity and general condition.

* An ongoing maintenance program to keep skin firm and winkles at bay.


What it is not:

* A temporary "skin tightener" out of a tube or bottle.

* A chemical peel or abrasive scrub or a random electrical "facial toning".

* Acupuncture, Acupressure or laser


What to expect:

* Fine lines to improve quickly

* Deeper lines will start to soften in 6 to 7 visits

* Facial tissue firms

* Muscles lifted to more youthful lines

* Enlarged pores tighten


When you can begin:

* Age 25 and up

* Start before damage occurs


How many treatments:

* Average is 12 for inital series

* Younger clients may only need 8

* More damaged skin could require 15 or more



* $35.00 per treatment

* $25.00 for maintenance or over 12 treatments


Hours of availability:

* Tuesday thru Friday from 11 am to 8 pm

* Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm



Reiki means Universal Life Force. It is a gentle hands-on...or hands-off, using a hover method if one does not wish to be touched... energy technique that is used for stress reduction, relaxation and can help promote healing. Reiki encourages your body to return to wellness.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.

Practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe medical treatments or interfere with a licensed professional. Reiki does not take the place of medical care. Reiki can complement medical care with helping a client deeply relax.


*$40.00 - 30 minutes

*$70.00 - 60 minutes

Sound Vibrational Reiki:

Sound Vibrational Reiki (SVR) is performed using tuning forks to clear and balance the Chakra's. SVR targets the 7 major Chakra's in the body: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. Each Chakra resonates to a specific vibration or hertz.

As sound waves pass through the body, they elicit responses in the body's systems. The systems react to the waves and vibrations and respond by restoring itself to a healthier and more harmonic state.

A session of SVR is uplifting and at the end, a few minutes of hands-on Reiki is given to help ground the client.


*$40.00 - 30 minutes

*$70.00 - 30 minutes SVR & 30 minutes Reiki

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